Sunday, June 13, 2010

Coming to you from the land of WTF...

Some of the best things you find at the thrift stores are not the treasures, but the WTF items. I have found that I have trouble going with my friend Carolyn because we giggle waaaaaaaaay too much. She also likes to scare me with the creepy dolls that are reminiscent of this:

In the realm of WTF, I hereby proclaim this the most WTF item I have ever encountered in all of my pillaging. Behold!
So, let's review. We have a large plastic "frame" with center missing. At the bottom there are angels reading what I assume is the Bible. On the sides we have 2 unicorns. In the center, the earth. Clearly this must be how the world was created.

Now I must find an equally amazing photo to put in the most amazing frame of ALL TIME.

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